Shawn St. Peter and Ras Ayer, two longtime friends, from different political and cultural perspectives, discuss the issues of the day and try and calmly and logically find common ground. For them, it is the first step towards bridging the polarization gap.
Shawn is a middle aged, middle class white male. He has no college degree and has spent his adult life working for US manufacturing companies. In high school, he was named the catholic youth of the year by his local Knights of Columbus chapter. He is happily married and has one child.
Ras is an ethnically and culturally diverse, highly educated man who grew up in a very liberal North Eastern US town. He has several degrees and spent time as a college professor. He is a recently divorced gay man.
Shawn is a dedicated Democrat, who has worked on local, State, and national political campaigns. He also has over 20 years in business management experience.
Ras is a conservative and strong Supporter of Donald Trump. He currently works in law enforcement.
These diverse and interesting perspectives help them tackle some of the toughest topics in politics, culture, and current events and guide their audience to a better understanding of not only the other side, but where the two sides can meet in the middle.